Measures to prevent COVID-19 were launched at the CTM in Alem. With shifts and controls, producers were able to deliver the product. This first stage will be until Wednesday.
The collection of tobacco for the 2019/2020 campaign began at the CTM of Leandro N. Alem. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the two tapes that received tobacco from some 25 producers in the southern zone were enabled.
The security protocol to prevent COVID -19 was also activated. This first stage of collection will go until Wednesday of this week, when about 75 producers will have delivered the tobacco and will be the model for the rest of the companies that will start purchasing on Monday, April 13.
Each of the actors complied with the two-meter distance: inspector, producer and buyer respected the agreed instructions.

The undersecretary of Tobacco of the Ministry of Agriculture and Production, Carlos Pereira witnessed from the beginning the implementation of the protocol. “Each producer had their temperature controlled and gel alcohol was provided. The space for hand washing also worked and the distances were respected, since there were not more than four people at the same time inside the establishment, ”explained the official.
Producers were assigned in shifts and those who delivered today will receive payment within 48 hours.
"This first day is for companies to observe the operation of the protocol and processes can be corrected," said Pereira.
The requirement for transportation was emphasized: “no more than two people can circulate per truck. This will be controlled by the security forces ”, they explained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Production.
"The protocol, in general terms, places emphasis on the care of health aspects for the protection of people during the development of the collection," said the Minister of Agriculture, Sebastián Oriozabala, after agreeing these measures with the different sectors of activity and the Police of the Province.
It is worth noting that the production and marketing of tobacco integrates a batch of activities excepted from the "Social, Preventive and Compulsory Isolation" provided by the National Government.
Interested parties can access the complete protocol (prevention in the farm, transport and storage) on the Agro and Production website (
Source: Goberno de Misiones