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Growers Associations

Membership is available to recognised tobacco growers’ organizations or those charged with the responsibility for such growers. Apart from the Founder Members’ category, there are two categories of membership, selected by each growers’ organisation according to the level of association required.

Plano Default
Growers Members
US$ 6,500
Per Year

Have the Right to Board Membership

Right to Attend and Vote at Meetings of the Association

Have the right to attend Public Meetings of the Association (2 delegates*)

Have the right to attend Closed Meetings of the Associations (2 delegates*)

Right to report on local activities in the Tobacco Courier

Receive ITGA Publications (Tobacco Courier and Tobacco Monitor)

Access to Members-Only section (Historic Information from all Association meetings)

*extra delegates are subject to a fee

Contact Us
Plano Default
Full Associate Members
US$ 2,000
Per Year

Have the right to attend Public Meetings of the Association as Observers (1 delegate*)

Have the right to attend Closed Meetings of the Associations as Observers (1 delegate*)

Right to report on local activities in the Tobacco Courier

Receive ITGA Publications (Tobacco Courier and Tobacco Monitor)

Access to Members-Only section (Historic Information from all Association meetings)

*extra delegates are subject to a fee

Contact Us
Subscription Members
Plano Default
Subscription Members
US$ 1,000
Per Year

Right to publicise for free in 1 Tobacco Courier (half of the yearly editions)

Right to publicise for free in 6 Tobacco Monitors (half of the yearly editions)

Receive ITGA Publications (Tobacco Courier and Tobacco Monitor)

Access to Members-Only section (Restrictions Apply) 

Contact Us
Plano Default
Subscription Plus Member
US$ 2,000
Per Year

Have the right to attend Public Meetings of the Association as Observers (1 delegate)*

Right to publicise for free in all Tobacco Couriers

Right to publicise for free in all Tobacco Monitors

Receive ITGA Publications (Tobacco Courier and Tobacco Monitor)

Access to Members-Only section (Restrictions Apply)

*extra delegates are subject to a fee 

Contact Us
Meetings Sponsorship
Plano Default
Meetings Sponsorship
Contact Us
Publications Advertrisement
Plano Default
Publications Advertrisement
Contact Us

NOTE: Please contact us at [email protected] with your Membership option.
Dues are subject to review by the Board, which operates a ‘balanced budget’ policy.

ITGA Member Countries

Cámara del Tabaco de Jujuy
San Martín Nº 832, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
Telephone: + 54 388 422 8000

CTJ - Cooperativa de Tabacaleros de Jujuy
Gral. Justo José de Urquiza, 4610 Perico, Jujuy, Argentina
Telephone: + 54 388 4911 139 / 239 / 339

APTM. Ass. de Plantadores de Tabaco de Misiones
Antartida Argentina 45, 3315 Leandro N' Alem, Misiones, Argentina
Telephone: + 54 3754 420771 / 421480 / 421296
E-mail: [email protected]

Cámara del Tabaco de Misiones
Calle Facundo Quiroga Nº 83, 3356 Provincia de Misiones, Argentina
Telephone: +54 03755 460510 / 461299 / 460907 int. 101

CTM. Cooperativa Agroindustrial de Misiones Ltda.
Ruta Nac. Nº 14 -Km. 852 N3315FQA L.N. Alem, Misiones - Argentina
Telephone: + 54 03754 423900

Cámara del Tabaco de Salta
Gral. R. Alvarado 941 (A4402AAS) Ciudade de Salta República Argentina
Telephone: + 54 0 387 4320 770

COPROTAB - Coop. de Productores Tabacaleros de Salta
Ruta Nac. 51 Km 3,5 - Estación General Alvarado (4000) Salta Argentina
Telephone: + 54 387 424 1212

Rua Júlio de Castilhos, 1021 - Centro, Brazil
Telephone: + 55 (51) 3713 7722 / 9701 7715

R. Galvão Costa, 415 - Centro, Santa Cruz do Sul- RS, 96810-012, Brasil


NAT2010 - National Tobacco Growers Association-2010
Silistra, Sofia Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 894 440190
E-mail: [email protected]

FEDETABACO - Federación Nacional de Productores de Tabaco
Fondo Nacional de Tabaco (FNT) Dir. Cra 9 N 13 - 41 Piso 5 Int 1
San Gil - Santander, Colombia
Telephone: +57 7 724 7327
E-mail: [email protected]

INTABACO - Instituto del Tabaco
Villa González
Apartado Postal 153
Santiago, Rep. Dominicana
Telephone: + 1 809 580 0038

KTGO, SA - Korean Tobacco Growers Organization
KTGO B/D, Dunsan-dong 1205 302-120 Seogu, Daejeon Korea
KTGO Federation - Daejeon City West Dunsan outra 81 KTGO Bldg
Telephone: +82 42 471 4190

Seke, SA
2ND Km of Road Santhi-Petinos, PO Box 68,
67 100 Xanthi, Greece
Telephone: +30 25410 69610

TII - Tobacco Institute of India316-318 BLOCK 'E', International Trade Tower
Nehru place
New Delhi - 110019 India
Telephone: + 91 11 262 31 214 / 215 / 216
Website: [email protected]

AMTI - Indonesia Tobacco Community Alliance
Perum Kalibata Indah Jl. Salak Blok K 31, Rawajati Pancoran Jakarta Selatan
Telephone: +62021 21279842

TAMA - Farmers's Trust
TAMA House
Plot 13/34 Independence Drive, Malawi
TAMA HOUSE, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 31360, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Telephone: + 01 773 009 / 276 / 356
E-mai: [email protected]

ARET - Agricultural Research and Extension Trust
Along Lilongwe Mchinji road, anout 2km from Crossroads roundabout. Private Bag 9, Lilongwe, Malawi
Telephone: (265) 1 761 148
E-mail: [email protected]



Pakistan Tobacco Board
Office Enclave, 46B, Phase V Hayatabad-Peshawar, Pakistan
Telephone: +92 919 217 245

PTGA - PhilTobacco Growers Association, Inc.
317 Brgy. Aramal, San Fabian, Pangasinan 2433
Pangasina, Philippines
Telephone: +63 02 910 20 30

Burley Stabilization Corporation
835 Bill Jones IndustrialDrive, P.O. Box
1480, Springfield, TN 37172
Telephone: +615 212 0508

TGANC – Tobacco Growers Associations of North Carolina
3901 Barrett Dr #202, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
Telephone: +1 919-781-2307

TAZ - Tobacco Association of Zambia
Plot 5055 Mungwi Road
Heavy Industrial Area. PO BOX 32617
Lusaka, Zambia
Telephone: +260 96 5873140
E-mail: [email protected]

ZTA - Zimbabwe Tobacco Association 
108 Prince Edward Street
Milton Park - Harare, Zimbabwe
Telefone:  +263 4 797010/11