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Who We Are
Special Issue
Special Issue
Publication focused on specific issues impacting the market and the sector in general.
Tobbaco Courier
Tobacco Courier
Quarterly magazine gathering our worldwide membership reports about the crop evolution in the different regions. Our net of connections with experts on agricultural issues, completes these reports.
Tobbaco Monitor
Tobacco Monitor
A monthly report that covers Crop Updates, Regulatory Changes, Tobacco Industry Developments and Sustainability Initiatives.
Website Infohub
Website - Info Hub
Launched in November 2019 and thanks to our database of more than 20 years of collecting information, our website is the ultimate tobacco info-hub where members have exclusive access to information.
Event Center
Event Center - Online Meeting Hub
An online platform to enable information sharing and conduction of ITGA events, including the Annual General Meeting and World Tobacco Growers’ Day, in times of the global pandemic
Atlas - Tobacco Growing in Figures
Tobacco Growing Country Profiles at a glance. Mirroring the importance of tobacco for their regions and economies.
Our Meetings
The ITGA Centers Its Efforts On …
Developing contact between tobacco growers around the world;
Sharing non-competitive information about the crop with its members;
Elaborating strategies to stabilise supply and prices;
Countering national and international anti-tobacco-growing campaigns;
Ensuring that the legitimate interests of tobacco growers are adequately considered by national and international policy-makers;
Monitoring market conditions;
Building mutual understanding and protecting its members and their dependants;
Publicising the socio-economic importance of tobacco in terms of employment, agricultural development and national economic benefits;
History Of The ITGA

Prior to 1984, tobacco growers world-wide had no unified voice. This changed on November 26th of that year when farmers from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Malawi, the U.S.A. and Zimbabwe agreed to form an organisation to promote and develop their common interests throughout the world. From that agreement emerged the International Growers’ Association (ITGA). The ITGA time-line, below, lists the most important dates in the history of the ITGA.

The ITGA time-line, below, lists the most important dates in the history of the ITGA

Foundation of the ITGA by Argentina, Brazil, Canada, the U.S.A., Malawi and Zimbabwe
Admission of South Africa and Zambia
New Admission Italy and the Philippines
Chief Executive Mr. David Walder appointed ITGA Chief Executive
Admission of India and Malaysia
New Admissions of Burundi, Cyprus and Nigeria
Admission of Mexico and Tanzania
Poland Joins Poland Joins ITGA Group
Admission of Croatia, Portugal and Venezuela
New Chief Executive Mr. David Walder retires from his office as Chief Executive of the ITGA Mr. António Abrunhosa appointed ITGA Chief Executive
New Headoffice Castelo Branco, Portugal Admission of Kenya and Uganda
Supporters Category Introduction of the Supporters Category
Membership Application for membership by Indonesia and Pakistan Admission of Bulgaria and Italy
Canada Resigns Canada resigns as a Founder Member Malaysia is readmitted
Colombia Joins Colombia joins the ITGA
New Joins by Indonesia and Philippines join the ITGA
ITGA 1st Global Campaign
New Joins by Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Korea join ITGA
ITGA 2nd Global Campaign
Azerbaijan Joins Azerbaijan joins the ITGA
North Carolina Tobacco Growers' Association joins North Carolina Tobacco Growers' Association joins the ITGA
Mercedes Vázquez is appointed new ITGA CEO Mercedes Vázquez is appointed new ITGA CEO
Abiel M Kalima Banda
Abiel M. Kalima Banda
ITGA Ex-President
“ITGA members must be interacting with state or non-state organizations, UN Agencies inclusive; as we together lok at suporting livelihoods of the tobacco dependent masses. (...) Let institutions support each other as we endeavor to sustain or improve livelihoods of tobacco farmers.”
Daniel Green
Daniel Green
ITGA Ex-President
“The International Tobacco Growers Association is offering the expertise of its members to engage with various governments and international organizations, including the World Health Organization, in the effort to find viable alternatives and complementary crops for tobacco growers around the world.”
François Van Der Merwe 150X150
François Van der Merwe
ITGA Ex-President
“The ITGA has a responsibility to assist in ensuring that farmers have a sustainable future in the farming business, even if it means growing less tobacco and more complementary crops where the demand for tobacco is declining.”
Jorge Nestor 150X150
Jorge Nestor
ITGA Ex-President
“The future looks undoubtedly complicated. It is our responsibility to close ranks with ITGA member countries and defend our right to carry out our legitimate growing activities, as we have done until now.”
Roger Quarles 2 150X150
Roger Quarles
ITGA Ex-President
“ITGA stands ready to represent growers worldwide in this vital issue affecting our future.”
Benicio Albano Werner 02 150X150
Benicio Albano Werner
ITGA Ex-President
“As leaders of the tobacco producing countries, we should fight for the continuity of the tobacco business, at least until viable and real alternatives are found. The people we represent simply want to follow the principle that guides any activity: sustainability and the well-being of their families.”
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